Thursday, May 13, 2010

Out I live yet I die!

They seem to wet me more,

Greasy surrounding though.

It is not an easy breathing,

With all surrounded foes,

Holding knives out to pluck me out.

Let me remain in this blood.

Here I can hear the beats,

And the music of my own…

If I get out from this hideout,

You might burn my cry.

Let me stay for a few more days,

If I am out, will you keep me safe?

If I am in, she dies.

Let me remain in this conch.

Here I can cry day long,

And make her smile…

They surely wet me more,

Greasy surrounding though.

Let me touch the cable of trust

And never rip it apart.

Was I ‘Him’? Would you wait?

To try to never let me cry?

Cry that would give me breath,

Cry that would make me alive.

They surely wet me more.

Greasy surrounding though.

Outside I sleep in my own blood pool,

Inside I have my mother’s.

Be thankful to the creator though

You never had a chance to be mother.

Here I can hear the beats,

And the music of my own,

Here at least I live for few months

Out I live yet I die!

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